
Entries for NSW Tramp National & International Stream State Championships

Entries for NSW state championships to be in to Michelle by Thursday 20th February. Cost is $71.50 ( for 1 discipline only) or $82.50 (2 or more disciplines eg.any 2 of tramp, DMT, synchro, tumbling)
Event date: 29-30 March
Venue: Sydney Gymnastics and Aquatic Centre (Rooty Hill)

State Trial 1 Results

Congratulations to Kye, Isabella, Maya and Aiden who qualified on Trampoline for NSW State Team selection (to go to Nationals) on Saturday.

It was a great weekend for our club with some fantastic results;
Kye – 2nd TRP (Q), 3rd DMT
Domenic – 3rd TRP, 4th DMT
Georgia – 5th TRP, 3rd DMT
Flynn – 5th TRP, 6th DMT
Isabella- 3rd TRP (Q), 2nd DMT
Zoey – 4th TRP, 6th DMT
Maya – 2nd TRP (Q), 2nd DMT
Katherine – 3rd TRP, 3rd DMT
Rhys – 4th TRP, 3rd DMT
Ty – 1st TRP (Q)
Shaun – 2nd TRP (Q)
Aiden – 3rd TRP (Q), 2nd DMT
Kaitlyn – 3rd TRP

Fees for 2014

Welcome back to trampoline club for 2014.
• Annual Registration: Recreation $70 or Competition $100 (both include gym NSW registration)
or Club Membership $30 (if already registered with Gymnastics NSW under another club for 2014)
• Term Coaching Fees (per school term): $100 (for 1 night week), or $200 (for 2 nights week) This is the same last year.
Casual Lesson $15 (cash only)
No classes on school holidays. Fees to be paid in cash or cheque payable to ‘Eastlake Trampoline Sports’
Fees should be paid in the first three weeks of term. See Brett if financial hardship situation applies. If fees are not paid in full students will not be able to continue the following term. If fees are not paid these spaces will be filled by students on the waiting list.
Athletes who are competing in 2014 need to listen at classes for announcements of competition details and entry closing dates. I will also put competition information on our website which will mean it will also go on our facebook page Eastlake Trampoline Sports. Tramp competition calendar is on NSW Gym website (under trampoline sports – events)

Trampoline Classes for new students 2014

We have a waiting list of students who wish to start trampoline classes. Michelle will be going through the waiting list over the next few weeks and offering spaces depending on class sizes and coach availability. Parents can speak with Michelle and add their child’s name to the waiting list by ringing or smsing Michelle on 0412993092. It is best to ring Michelle on a Tuesday or Thursday after 5pm when she will be at trampolining. At other times the phone may not be answered if Michelle is at work.

2014 Trampoline Classes Welcome back note :)

~~Welcome back to trampoline club for 2014.We start back Tuesday 4th February and Thursday 6th February for returning students.  Students we hope you have a great year at trampoline classes and enjoy learning new skills and making new friends. Students please remember to bring your socks, water bottle, good manners and respect for others. Parents if you have any questions please come and ask.
If you have any questions about coaching aspects, trampoline skill development, competition preparation or routines please see Brett. If you wish to speak to Brett or one of the other coaches about your child please try and see them before or after class so that they may concentrate on coaching your children. Brett is at times available during class time to speak to. If you have any questions about administration matters or uniforms (for competing athletes) please see Michelle.
•  Annual Registration: Recreation  $70   or Competition  $100  (both include gym NSW registration)
or Club Membership $30 (if already registered with Gymnastics NSW under another club for 2014)
• Term Coaching Fees (per school term): $100 (for 1 night week), or $200  (for 2 nights week) 
Casual Lesson $15 (cash only)
No classes on school holidays. Fees to be paid in cash or cheque payable to ‘Eastlake Trampoline Sports’
Fees should be paid in the first three weeks of term. See Brett if financial hardship situation applies. If fees are not paid in full students will not be able to continue the following term.  If fees are not paid these spaces will be filled by students on the waiting list.
Athletes who are competing in 2014 need to listen at classes for announcements of competition details and entry closing dates.  I will also put competition information on our website which will mean it will also go on our facebook page  Eastlake Trampoline Sports. Tramp competition calendar is on NSW Gym website (under trampoline sports – events)  


Accommodation for Sydney Gymnastics & Aquatic Centre Rooty Hill

The state trials will be held at the Rooty Hill venue. Karen Pickering has done some investigating re room prices at the Novotel. Anyone wanting to stay overnight in Rooty Hill. If they ring NOVOTEL ROOTY HILL and tell them they are going to GYM NSW competition the rate is reduced from $203 / night to $191.25 HOWEVER if they go to WOTIF or they can get same room for $176/night. The motel will not match this price. They tell you to go to wotif and buy it there.

2014 NSW State Trial information

In order to compete in the 2014 NSW State Age and Elite competition athletes must compete in one of the two available State Age & Elite trials. Both the trials are also qualifying competitions for state team.
Entries for both trials must be in by Monday 13th January. The first trial is on 15-16 February and second trial is 8-9 March. Entry fee per trial is $71.50. Athletes wishing to enter these competitions will need to renew their competition registration for 2014. The fee for 2014 registration is $100 which includes club membership and state competitive registration fee. Please contact Brett on 0421089910 if you wish an athlete to be entered as we will be sending in entries on 9th January. Fees can be paid in cash, by cheque or by direct bank deposit. Contact Michelle for bank details.

New pictures added to gallery

Bronze Medal for Jessica and Imogen (from Castle Hill)

Jessica and Imogen won 3rd place in the 11/12’s women’s synchronised trampoline event at the World Age Championships. Terrific job girls!1374916_10151857519253392_743048904_n

Great work Jessica!

Jessica Pickering competed in her first world championships in Sofia, Bulgaria. She completed her two routines to gain a placing of 16th out of the field of 49 competitors. Well done Jessica!